Stay close
Our goal is to develop an app that can unite all Ada members and provide a platform to share both the positive and challenging things of our personal and professional lives. This STAY-CLOSE app is a space for all Adies, where no one will feel left out after leaving the classroom and starting an internship or job. We would like to let the app enable us to support and encourage each other, also able to share experiences and knowledge. We hope that this app can become a warm and supportive community, where all members will feel a sense of belonging and inclusion.
VIEW Stay closeInspiration Board
It was a delightful board, where people could anonymously post short messages of encouragement to each other. It was filled with the kindest words and the nerdiest programming jokes.
VIEW Inspiration BoardChatlog
This project comes with a minimal scaffold based on the baseline React application generated by create-react-app. We provide the JSON file with static chat message data and the CSS styles, and you will need to implement all of the components except for the provided TimeStamp component.
VIEW ChatlogWeather Report
The goal is to create a fun, small weather app that focuses on displaying the weather. This weather app will set the weather using user interaction and get the weather from a 3rd party API, OpenWeather.
VIEW Weather ReportTask List Api
There's so much we want to do in the world! When we organize our goals
into smaller, bite-sized tasks, we'll be able to track them more
easily, and complete them!
If we make a web API to organize our tasks, we'll be able to create,
read, update, and delete tasks as long as we have access to the
Internet and our API is running!
Swap Meet
You want to organize a swap meet! You have a bunch of stuff. So do your friends! It would be awesome if each person could swap one of their things with another person's things. For this event, you want each person to register online as a vendor. Also, they should list an inventory list of things. For this project, given some features that the vendors want, create a set of classes, following the directions below. The directions will lead you to create many class definitions, their attributes and instance methods, and some other cool features. Vendors will be able to swap their top item and swap items by category!
VIEW Swap MeetAdaGrams
An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase. In this project you and your partner will be creating Adagrams, a game in which a player is given a random set of letters and must make an anagram using those letters. Each submitted word will score points. While working on Adagrams, it may help to think of a physical metaphor for this game, such as other common word games like Scrabble or Bananagrams. These games all feature a pool of letter tiles that the player draws from.
VIEW AdaGramsViewing Party
You will be given some data structure that represents the things you've watched, favorited, and want to watch. The directions below will lead you to create a series of functions. These functions will modify the data, and implement features like adding and removing things between different lists. Other features include creating recommendations!
VIEW Viewing Party